Tel. + 44 (0)7973 132 112
He also examines at the following levels:
B737 LST, LPCs and ATPL Skill Tests
TRI examiner on initial, renewals and revalidations
TRE Standards Course EAOC Examiner
Senior examiner for UK and EASA TRE/SFE Revalidations and Renewals
Certified Aviation Expert Witness since 2014
Brian has over 34 year of airline flying experience, 15,000 flying hours, 10,000 on the B737, 18 years in airline training and specialises in advanced training of pilots at commercial level. He holds EASA (MLT.FCL.112038R) and UK (GBR.FCL.228055H) licences. He is an experienced trainer in the following courses :
Upper Freeman of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots
Captain Brian Bradley is the principle Trainer / Examiner at BradAir Aviation Consultancy
Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society since 1998
Contact +44 (0)7973 132 112
BradAir delivers quality advanced airline pilot training and training consultancy (UK and EASA), supporting Airlines, ATOs and individual commercial pilots.
We are experienced independent aviation training and checking professionals, committed to improving the skill set and competence of commercial pilots. We deliver high quality training with the single aim of enhancing pilots careers at all levels.
Our focus is to maximise the positive training value of every course we are involved in, resulting in safer, more effective and efficient pilots, instructors and examiners.
We carry out bespoke training to accommodate your needs. Please find below some areas of our expertise: